Sunday, May 05, 2024

River Tyne     May 19th 2016

Kielder Release

The reservoir level has fallen slightly in the last week and remains below the May trigger level so there will be no release for the coming week.

For the week commencing 26th May, anticipating the rain that is forecast in the coming week, a 3-day, 9.3 cumec release is proposed to start at 7.00 on Monday, 30th May, subject to confirmation next week.


Tyne salmon counts

The EA counter at Riding Mill recorded 59 upstream counts for the preceding week, bringing the count for May to date to 285 and 443 for this season.


River report

The Tynes and tributaries are at a very low level resulting in very few salmon been caught. The counts of migrating fish have fallen, rain is needed to freshen the rivers and encourage fish to run up stream. Current water temperature is hovering around 14C.

Trout rods are enjoying some good sport with reports of wild brownies to 16”. 

River Tyne May 13 2016

Tyne Salmon counts

The EA fish counter at Riding Mill recorded 226 upstream counts for this month to date, bring the total count for the season to date to 384. The great majority of the counts are salmon.


River Tyne   May 11 2016

Kielder Release

The reservoir level is still below the trigger level, no increase in release will take place this week and none are planned for next week. The release will continue at compensation level.


River report

The Tynes are at a low level however water temperatures have risen sharply and are around 15C. Salmon are entering the river, the recent high tides drawing fish into the estuary. Despite the low flows, fish were going over Hexham Bridge footings earlier today via the central fish pass. A number of fish were moving in the Bridge pool, those that were clearly seen were very fresh fish. In the low water, fish are accessing the Riding Mill pass overnight.

The rivers need rain; unfortunately the forecast is mainly dry for the next week.


Tyne Trout

James Stokoe enjoyed a productive morning fishing for wild brown trout on the North Tyne. James is the BBC Earths Wildest Waters Champion and exercised his skills to good effect. Catching 10 sizeable beautifully coloured brownies and of course losing a much larger one!

Most fish fell to a gold head Hairs Ear a consistent taker of trout.

Please refer to Tyne Angling Passport for beat access and availability